I have decided that I would rather have the journey than the destination. Reaching some place has come to mean farewells and separations, tears and sad tidings. Atleast so it seems lately. The anticipation of the "traveling" phase seems far better than the actual "reaching the place". Not that all travels have made me feel this way. There have been some that made me feel right on top of the world. Its just right now that the time does not seem right. Though this too shall pass...
Have also realized that the only way to be a good speaker, one who is heard and whose words and thoughts are noted by the audience, is to be a damn good listener. If you listen to people, understand what they are trying to tell you, only then shall you know what is the right thing to say at a particular moment.
Also, have you ever thought about the fact that when you were born, the world was a place wth no restrictions, no impossibilities, no limits? It is as you grew up that people told you about rights and wrongs, about rules and dos and don'ts. It is perhaps essential in order to maintain a social structure and order. But it is saddening when you think that this means putting limits on dreams, creativity and all that could have been.